I think that there should be a 'replaying' or 'replayed' option to games. I often like to play through games again and it would be nice to have this option.
I am also confused about the difference between 'completed' and 'mastered', and I wonder if both are really needed.

This will be taken care of with the new Playthrough Tracking and progress features currently in development. Statuses will be automatically derived from playthroughs and completion data, so the "Mastered", "Beaten", and "Completed" statuses will go away and be replaced.
You'll be able to track multiple playthroughs of a game, at once, or one at a time, depending on however you tend to play.
AmineIzumi commented
It would also be a great addition to have a "replay value" field for our games, so that we can easily set which games could be nice to come back to later
Axel commented
I was kind of looking to be able to mark things with Completed or Mastered and at the same time with Want to Play so I have a list of games that I beat but I enjoy replaying from time to time.
Thanks for the feedback! I do intend to make it more explicit that a game is being "replayed" probably by adding a play count and sub-status/property where you can say "I'm on the 5th playthrough of this game" kind of thing. That's planned!
As far as confusion between Completed and Mastered--this isn't explained enough, I agree. The intention is that Completed is 100% completed games. Mastered is like, 100% + All Achievements + I'm a boss at this game kind of thing. It can also just be a personal feeling. someone might be tournament-level for a game, they've Mastered it.
I do intend to make that more distinct and provide guidance for people. One thing that both have though is a fun little celebration anytime a game is added to them because they are both important milestones!