All articles
GOG Powerup Overview
Help! I can't log in to my account on the new site
How can I organize my games?
How can I quickly remove a bunch of games?
How do I add a missing game or update wrong info?
How do I deactivate a Powerup?
How does membership work in KTOMG?
My GOG games aren't syncing
My PSN games aren't syncing
My Steam games aren't syncing
Steam Powerup Overview
What are Powerups?
What are the accepted payment methods?
What are the limitations ("debuffs") for free users on Powerups?
What feature usage is being tracked?
What goes into the GOG time saved calculation?
What goes into the Steam time saved calculation?
What happens if I don't pay for my usage?
What happens if I pay below the Fair Use Price?
What happens if I pay equal to the Fair Use Price, or more?
What is a Patron membership?
What is a Usage Period?
What is my Fair Use Price?
What is the Powerups "Welcome period"?
What Powerups are available?
Where does my feedback go?
Who can see my feature usage activity?
Xbox Powerup Overview