AdminKamran Ayub
(Developer, Keep Track of My Games)
My feedback
22 results found
0 votes
This will happen once I upgrade the visual design and the framework that powers it.
An error occurred while saving the comment -
83 votes
GOG importing is available now. Xbox (Gamepass, etc.) is likely to be up next!
An error occurred while saving the comment Update: You can now technically import games from anywhere using the new Bulk Import Powerup:
It's still manual, there is no automatic integration yet for these providers, so there's still work to be done here but at least you can get games in no matter where they come from.
An error occurred while saving the comment I saw that recently, I was also looking for any APIs that they might have but still no luck. However, it could be possible (but super fragile) to read the games list from a public profile page.
An error occurred while saving the comment I would hate to force people to type in all their games but that's not a bad idea. I could add a Text import feature (or comma-separated). I have part of this done due to the Steam review process, I would just need to build the UI for you to review the search results and make sure things were linked correctly.
37 votes
Search is pretty messed up at the moment, I definitely plan to improve it soon. In addition to making the relevancy better, I will be adding indicators for DLC/expansions/series, etc. Thank you for the feedback!
An error occurred while saving the comment Update: New title matching algorithm changes are implemented in the backend, but not yet part of the search UI. The next major update (the Suran Update) will revamp the search experience so this is going to be coming soon!
42 votes
This is now in Early Access for Patron members. You can currently track play time and % progress, as well as some metadata like started/completion date and play style.
This will still be further refined before a general release but patrons can start using it today:
This will be expanded to include showing HLTB-style stats on game pages and throughout the library interface.
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi everyone!
Good news. I talked to the owner of HLTB and got written permission to scape the site, as long as I don't abuse it. It's not guaranteed to always work but it could be "good enough" until an official API is released.
This means I will roll HLTB data ingestion to be part of this overall capability, as long as it works reliably.
16 votes
We plan to improve how platform selection is handled across the site so it’s easy and fast (and smart). Only displaying owned platforms are supported already, though it won’t auto-select them. To select owned platforms, just edit your profile.
An error occurred while saving the comment The new Add Game Dialog now offers a way to set the owned platform; but it isn't done automatically yet.
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the idea! I merged it with an existing manual achievement idea.
You can also vote on the playtime tracking which is planned (soon!).
3 votes
Alphabetical sorting of tags is a good idea and pretty easy for me to add!
Tags will automatically disappear when they aren’t being used anymore in any games.
An error occurred while saving the comment Tags will automatically disappear when there are no games using them.
In "My Games", filter by the tag you want to delete, then select all the games (the checkbox), and uncheck the tag to remove it from all selected games.
Alphabetical sorting is good idea, will definitely plan to do that.
45 votes
I’ll do you one better, the planned functionality is to automatically sync achievements across Steam, Microsoft, and Sony systems using their services. I haven’t looked but it may be possible to take in achievements from GiantBomb too, which would provide an “official” way to add achievements to games that don’t expose any.
An error occurred while saving the comment This will be coming at some point. The new data provider IGDB provides centralized achievement data that I can use :)
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Just an update, awhile back I did at Buy on Amazon buttons to the game details pages. No sophisticated integration quite yet, though.
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Dan, we've been in contact with the owner of CheapShark and we're definitely planning future integration--just some effort to get all the backend requirements in-sync and then planning the work. Thanks for the feedback!
109 votes
This has been started as part of an overall capability I'm calling Playthroughs. Checklists may be separated out into a separate feature, but notes, percentage % tracking, completion/goal tracking, and play sessions will be part of the next major site release.
An error occurred while saving the comment I can understand this for sure. There is another planned idea to add progress (i.e. 90% complete). I think what might make sense is to consolidate Beaten/Completed into a single list and then you'd mark the game as beaten as a progress indicator but keep it in Active. Then when you're ready, move to Completed with a 100% progress.
I'll think about it some more. I have a few ideas that may make this whole workflow feel better, I think treating progression through a game NOT as a list will definitely be helpful but rather use the lists as a "state" of a game. Part of it I think is a UI issue, part of it is the transitioning between states, etc. and I'll play with some ideas.
Thanks for the suggestion! Keep it all coming, this is all a fluid process and depends on how people use the site.
83 votes
The site has been designed to work on mobile devices—try opening the site on your phone, for example. You can even pin the site to your home screen! However, we know that many people expect to find an app on the store and we plan to release apps for iOS, Android, and Windows 10. We’re also planning to release a desktop version of KTOMG but all this requires some extra work to make offline browsing possible. Thanks for the suggestion!
An error occurred while saving the comment Have I considered it? Absolutely. But for now I decided not to do that, why?
I don't think it'd be a good experience. When someone downloads an app, they implicitly demand some kind of guarantee--that this app will work on their phone most, if not all, of the time even when offline. Unfortunately, the website right now just isn't set up to handle that. What will happen when someone downloads this app and it's clunky, slow, and doesn't work sometimes? Negative reviews. Reviews make or break apps. People won't try it again once they've been burned.
Soon the site will be ready to be native-mobile compatible. That's the entire motivation to spend time and rewrite the UI right now, it'll enable me to easily support offline mode, push notifications, etc.
Once I feel comfortable the site and the native apps will be fast, offline ready, and easy to use, only then will we see a KTOMG app in the app store ;)
18 votes
This will be taken care of with the new Playthrough Tracking and progress features currently in development. Statuses will be automatically derived from playthroughs and completion data, so the "Mastered", "Beaten", and "Completed" statuses will go away and be replaced.
You'll be able to track multiple playthroughs of a game, at once, or one at a time, depending on however you tend to play.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the feedback! I do intend to make it more explicit that a game is being "replayed" probably by adding a play count and sub-status/property where you can say "I'm on the 5th playthrough of this game" kind of thing. That's planned!
As far as confusion between Completed and Mastered--this isn't explained enough, I agree. The intention is that Completed is 100% completed games. Mastered is like, 100% + All Achievements + I'm a boss at this game kind of thing. It can also just be a personal feeling. someone might be tournament-level for a game, they've Mastered it.
I do intend to make that more distinct and provide guidance for people. One thing that both have though is a fun little celebration anytime a game is added to them because they are both important milestones!
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm curious about this idea so I need your help understanding it. Does Unplayed have a different meaning from your perspective than Want to Play? If you don't want to play it, shouldn't it be Undecided or Wishlist (want to have it)? Is it for some other reason?
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the feedback.
I definitely want to keep things simple but there's a few reasons for some of these decisions:
1. Wishlist and Backlog (Want to Play) are two different ideas and eventually will actually have unique semantics.
Right now Wishlist isn't really any different but in the UI around the site it is handled in a special way. Eventually I want to produce notifications that notify you when there are deals on games in your wishlist. The other intent there is you could share your wishlist with family/friends.
Backlog or Want to Play is intended to be a prioritized queue of games you want to play next. Right now I don't have a queueing system but that'll be coming soon--so Want to Play will also have unique semantics in the site so it'll be used for Netflix-style "Next Up" UI.
2. Beaten/Completed/Mastered could perhaps be combined. Right now this isn't possible due to how lists are built/handled in the backend. Still, this is something I'll consider simplifying--I just want it to be easy to distinguish between them--there's definitely some "feel good" to consider here, people like showing off that they're really good at some games and I want that to feel special. I think I can still do that without creating separate lists, so I'll look into some options.
3. Active/Paused/Abandoned statuses. I'm not sure these can or should be treated differently than the rest of the statuses--they are mutually exclusive. You can't have a game in your backlog that is Active. You can't have a Beaten game that is Paused. By separating these, they ensure there's no confusion between the state of the game.
Really, I think it comes down to simplifying the menu to consolidate these more and that's DEFINITELY planned as well as making it super easy to update games to move between these states.
I appreciate the feedback though, there's definitely some improvements I intend to make this easier.
34 votes
Definitely coming in the future—the explore page is an area we definitely want to expand on.
An error occurred while saving the comment We haven't forgotten. The Explore page will get some love but first there are other changes that have to happen before we can tackle it. Currently we don't have a way to just view a "generic" list of arbitrary games--ideally we would leverage what we have for searching or the organization page but those are geared specifically towards those cases and won't work for other kinds of lists. Once we iron that out, the Explore page will be revamped to account for the new features and showcase more user lists. All in time!
An error occurred while saving the comment The Explore page will definitely be seeing updates in the near future. This month we pushed a minor update that adds Just Released and Upcoming Releases. Once we've made a "Browse" games page, everything will just flow into that eventually.
3 votes
Will need to explore ability to sync with external provider like LastPass but saving game secrets on KTOMG is very doable.
An error occurred while saving the comment Wow, this is super clever. I love it! Are you suggesting the ability to store the username/passwords on KTOMG but sync with LastPass (or vice versa)? I would need to investigate if LastPass allows such integration. We can certainly add (and encrypt) game-related secrets on KTOMG but as far as syncing with some password provider, that will be interesting to explore.
47 votes
This will be offered soon. We will update this when we’re closer to releasing this feature.
An error occurred while saving the comment In the May update we added the ability to sort searches by release and name. Filtering is still to come.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks, we plan to overhaul search soon to allow for this type of customization.
100 votes
This should be going along with the social features
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, lists will have re-ordering (technically they do now but it's not exposed) so you could create a Top X list eventually.
8 votes
AdminKamran Ayub (Developer, Keep Track of My Games) shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the ideas. The system supports different timing for the reminder, I just haven't exposed that yet (by default it's a week), so thanks for bringing that up. As for an RSS feed, this is a good idea and shouldn't be difficult for me to do, I'll just need to carve out some time for it.
It isn't perfect but there is an extension to do it which may work in the meantime: