System/game requierements and setup etc
There are softwares like the one that the site Can i run it and Game Debate uses, what you think about to implement them? I don't use them because i think is too limited, one have one thing that the another one don't have, for exemple Game Debate have a advanced rig/equipment thing(the ENTIRE computer xD), but they don't have a good game database, the Can i run it have a good database but don't have an advanced computer setup like Game Debate.
And this is the only game site i use, it would be good if it have more functions, it's boring having account on various websites...
thanks for the attencion

Yes, it would be cool to do this. The main issue is where to get the data from. If IGDB supported system requirements, it would be pretty easy.
It would be possible (but hard) to get system requirements for Steam games, at least.
I’ll have to look into it more.