Seperate Status for Wishlist Games
When you currently click on Wishlist, its changes the game status to "wish to play", but I use that as more of a backlog type deal, and so it's kind of confusing to see games I don't even own in my backlog, so maybe a seperate Wishlist/Unowned status?

Adding to Wishlist no longer auto-assigns to Want to Play.
I’d still like to look at the Undecided experience and perhaps split those games out into a separate list (or make it easy to ignore them in My Games).
zero commented
It really bothers me seeing them there. I know you can filter them off, but that doesn't stick. Setting them to undecided doesn't remove/hide them from the list.
goy commented
Support for "separate Wishlist/Unowned status" on wishlisted games. Having a large wishlist makes "My Games" ugly because everything is undecided. I "want to play" everything on my wishlist, or I wouldn't have put it on there, but putting it in that section just makes things cluttered. "Unowned" rather than "Undecided" would be much better.