A much more useful Explore page
The ability to see more under each category. I'd personally like to see a lot more than just the 12 in each category.
And then perhaps a recommendation system, that will give a list of recommended games based on things like favorite games. Maybe even let us choose our favorite genres, and it will recommend games based on that.

Definitely coming in the future—the explore page is an area we definitely want to expand on.
We haven't forgotten. The Explore page will get some love but first there are other changes that have to happen before we can tackle it. Currently we don't have a way to just view a "generic" list of arbitrary games--ideally we would leverage what we have for searching or the organization page but those are geared specifically towards those cases and won't work for other kinds of lists. Once we iron that out, the Explore page will be revamped to account for the new features and showcase more user lists. All in time!
Delsana commented
Yeah it's been a year and the explore page is still pretty... bland.
The Explore page will definitely be seeing updates in the near future. This month we pushed a minor update that adds Just Released and Upcoming Releases. Once we've made a "Browse" games page, everything will just flow into that eventually.