Fast platform selection.
If a game is only available on one platform, it could be added to that platform automatically when adding it to my collection. On a second thought, it could also narrow the platforms to my owned platforms, so if a game is released on say ps2 and xbox and I only own xbox, the game is added to xbox.
When clicking the "+" icon on the game you want to add, it could also display the owned platforms where the game is available so you can add it to the collection with the platform and status on a single step. The platform could be preselected based on the previous idea. Leaving the platform optional on this step could let you do it like now.

We plan to improve how platform selection is handled across the site so it’s easy and fast (and smart). Only displaying owned platforms are supported already, though it won’t auto-select them. To select owned platforms, just edit your profile.
The new Add Game Dialog now offers a way to set the owned platform; but it isn't done automatically yet.
Volky commented
This also applies to the new game addition dialog: E.g. we cannot add the game into multiple lists once when this dialog is open. You need to view the game and assign tags, other lists and set the owned OSes.
Casey commented
If you add a game as played give the option to right then and there choose what system(s) you own it for or if you own it at all. Or have it automatic if you only own one system that the game came out on. Make it an optional pop-up you can disable in settings because some people will love it, some will hate it.