Playtime Tracking (like/with HowLongToBeat)
If I could look at my list of games and see how much of a time commitment they are at a glance, I wouldn't have to individually search them on hltb. If this is possible I really think that this would be amazing.

This is now in Early Access for Patron members. You can currently track play time and % progress, as well as some metadata like started/completion date and play style.
This will still be further refined before a general release but patrons can start using it today:
This will be expanded to include showing HLTB-style stats on game pages and throughout the library interface.
Gary Bains commented
Display how long to beat and allow games to be sorted/filtered based on the how long to beat.
Hi everyone!
Good news. I talked to the owner of HLTB and got written permission to scape the site, as long as I don't abuse it. It's not guaranteed to always work but it could be "good enough" until an official API is released.
This means I will roll HLTB data ingestion to be part of this overall capability, as long as it works reliably.
lloyd094 commented
I think this would be a nice feature to have - even if the system could pull an average number from HLTB, it would be useful to figure out what to play (if length is an issue).
Casey commented
By the way, I just want to say this site even as a beta it is now is superb. You people who are making this site are doing amazing work, and as long as you keep it up I can't wait to be a KTOMG hipster who gets to say "I had an account when they were in beta! Yeah, that's right, BEFORE they were the 6th largest website in the world."
What I am saying is you guys?/gals? are destined for success.