Tell us what you want to see in Keep Track of My Games or vote for your favorite ideas!
93 results found
Add a status option for ongoing games, even something simple just like 'owned' or 'ongoing'
Add a status option for ongoing games, even something simple just like 'owned' or 'ongoing'
18 votesThanks, I do plan to support this for games like Destiny, Fortnite, etc.
11 votes
Top played games
Catalog total played time across all synced games and rank them based on hours invested. However, filter out games that are known to be 'idle' games.
9 votesThis could be done for games synced via Steam but can also maybe be combined with recording progress and overriding playtime manually.
Achievement logging
I think that there should be a way we can enter and log the amount of achievements we have earned from games. I like to keep track of achievements and it would be nice to be able to note down this on the website.
45 votesI’ll do you one better, the planned functionality is to automatically sync achievements across Steam, Microsoft, and Sony systems using their services. I haven’t looked but it may be possible to take in achievements from GiantBomb too, which would provide an “official” way to add achievements to games that don’t expose any.
Unbeatable / No Objective
Add option for "unbeatable games", such as games that have no real objective, like party games (e.g. Dad Beat Dads, Jackbox Party). It would be nice to be able to say that "Hey, no goal. Just a fun game."
30 votesThis should probably be included within the Progress reporting feature, to mark a game as having no real “progress” per se.
Unplayed Option
When adding new games to collection, add the option to have "Unplayed" status, instead of having to use the "undecided".
17 votes -
I think that there should be a 'replaying' or 'replayed' option to games. I often like to play through games again and it would be nice to have this option.
I am also confused about the difference between 'completed' and 'mastered', and I wonder if both are really needed.
18 votesThis will be taken care of with the new Playthrough Tracking and progress features currently in development. Statuses will be automatically derived from playthroughs and completion data, so the "Mastered", "Beaten", and "Completed" statuses will go away and be replaced.
You'll be able to track multiple playthroughs of a game, at once, or one at a time, depending on however you tend to play.
Right off the bat, let me acclaim that KTOMG cares more about user feedback compared to the competition.
The 2016 DEC update saw the introduction of "Abandoned", "Completed" and "Mastered" statuses. It goes without saying that "Completed" and "Mastered" can be traced back to Backloggery's Status Guidelines.
But I protest against them both. They are exceptionally tough to fulfill if you are honest with yourselves.
100% Completion?
Hardest Difficulty - checked?
Collectibles - checked?
DLC - checked?
Achievements - checked?
XP Progression - checked?Mastery?
Speed Run - checked?
No Damage Run - checked?
Knife-only / Pistol-only Run -…3 votesI like this idea a lot, not sure on the naming but I think consolidating Completed/Mastered might make sense. Personally 100% to me is the percentage report from the game, not necessarily every difficulty level or anything—that would be Mastered if I 100%‘d multiple levels or New Game+ etc. But that’s why the current setup is confusing, I think.
Sync with Origin, Uplay, GOGGalaxy, etc
Rather than solely Steam.
83 votesGOG importing is available now. Xbox (Gamepass, etc.) is likely to be up next!
Add platform to "releasing soon"
There are a few games that are time exclusive. If I know that a game I want will be released later on PC, I want to know that the date showed in the page is only for PS4, for example.
4 votesThis is planned along with tracking individual platform releases.
Allow us to differentiate between digital and physical copies
For PS3 games, I can choose "PS3" or "PlayStation Network (PS3)", but Giant Bomb has decided to not differentiate between physical and digital going forward, including no "PlayStation Network (PS4)" option [1]. I want to share with my friends and family what games I have, and knowing whether I have a physical copy they can borrow (friends) or it's a digital game that we would have to download (kids) would be helpful.
[1]: which references
19 votesThis is a great idea and something I had thought of but was waiting for someone to request. I’ll include this for my plans when I update Ownership features.
Feeling lucky, Rolutte, Fortune Cookie, Wheel of fortune etc...
Some random picker for titles you not yet beaten, abandoned, completed or mastered would be a really great addition.
11 votesI plan to create a recommendation engine that will help with things like this.
Group franchises
There should be an option to group franchises together on your games list (and maybe in search too) with a "click to expand button" to see all games in that franchise that you added to your games. Makes your lists more concise until you need more details.
7 votesI thought a grouping mechanism would be out by now but I only did filtering. I’ll revisit this in the future.
Set a priority for a wishlist game
I have many games I don't own yet but am planning to get at some point. It would be nice to set different priorities for games you don't own yet.
5 votes -
Make an app for this website. Could be very beneficial, especially when it comes to push notifications and things like that. Just a thought.
80 votesThe site has been designed to work on mobile devices—try opening the site on your phone, for example. You can even pin the site to your home screen! However, we know that many people expect to find an app on the store and we plan to release apps for iOS, Android, and Windows 10. We’re also planning to release a desktop version of KTOMG but all this requires some extra work to make offline browsing possible. Thanks for the suggestion!
Support metacritic / opencritic scores for sorting and filtering
As a user, I want to be able to sort and filter my lists based on critic scores.
7 votesAggregate critic scores are already being ingested behind-the-scenes, but are not yet exposed as fields or in the UI. This is definitely planned and will likely be rolled into the Ratings & Reviews capability.
Progress Tracking, Notes and Checklists
I think this site could really benefit from allowing users to add progress notes to specific games where users can make note of the last thing that they did in the game or if the site could implement some sort of checklist for each game tailored towards that exact games progress so you have a bigger picture of how you're getting along in your games rather than only knowing if it's something you're currently playing.
109 votesThis has been started as part of an overall capability I'm calling Playthroughs. Checklists may be separated out into a separate feature, but notes, percentage % tracking, completion/goal tracking, and play sessions will be part of the next major site release.
Configurable email notification frequency
Sometimes I get a lot of email from the site within a few days; I'd like to be able to opt for daily or weekly digest emails instead, so I only get one email a week that includes all relevant notifications.
8 votesCustomizable notification settings are planned in the future.
List all games with different ways to sort and filter
Similar to the giantbomb database, when making a blank search, all games are listed with the ability to sort and filter it by any tags. This would be great to build my wishlist and backlog!
47 votesThis will be offered soon. We will update this when we’re closer to releasing this feature.
People who played this game also played...
When viewing a game, instead of just seeing how many people added it you should be able to see what other games those people added. For example a box on the side saying "Users who added Silent Hill to their list also added: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, Resident Evil 4, Outlast etc..."
This would be great for discovering new games from people who have similar taste to yours.
70 votes
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