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Tell us what you want to see in Keep Track of My Games or vote for your favorite ideas!

93 results found

  1. Playtime Tracking (like/with HowLongToBeat)

    If I could look at my list of games and see how much of a time commitment they are at a glance, I wouldn't have to individually search them on hltb. If this is possible I really think that this would be amazing.

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    This is now in Early Access for Patron members. You can currently track play time and % progress, as well as some metadata like started/completion date and play style.

    This will still be further refined before a general release but patrons can start using it today:

    This will be expanded to include showing HLTB-style stats on game pages and throughout the library interface.

  2. Fast platform selection.

    If a game is only available on one platform, it could be added to that platform automatically when adding it to my collection. On a second thought, it could also narrow the platforms to my owned platforms, so if a game is released on say ps2 and xbox and I only own xbox, the game is added to xbox.
    When clicking the "+" icon on the game you want to add, it could also display the owned platforms where the game is available so you can add it to the collection with the platform and status on a single step.…

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    We plan to improve how platform selection is handled across the site so it’s easy and fast (and smart). Only displaying owned platforms are supported already, though it won’t auto-select them. To select owned platforms, just edit your profile.

  3. Save filter criteria as "Views"

    It would be fantastic if you could save a set of filters as a "view" that you can quickly click on to sort your library in a particular way, without having to set each individual filter criteria each time.

    For instance, say I have a view I want to call "Unplayed Playstation Games". This filter might consist of the PS3, PS4 OR PSN platforms and the NOT SET play status. It would be great to save this view so that next time I want to view with these filters, I can just click that saved view.

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  4. Be able to rate games

    a 5 star rating score can given to any game I have played

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  5. Link to Amazon or other store pages

    It would be phenomenal to have something off to the side with links to stores like Amazon, Best Buy, eBay, etc. much the same way does on their individual title pages.

    Maybe even with a list of stores showing current prices,

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  6. Seperate Status for Wishlist Games

    When you currently click on Wishlist, its changes the game status to "wish to play", but I use that as more of a backlog type deal, and so it's kind of confusing to see games I don't even own in my backlog, so maybe a seperate Wishlist/Unowned status?

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  7. A much more useful Explore page

    The ability to see more under each category. I'd personally like to see a lot more than just the 12 in each category.

    And then perhaps a recommendation system, that will give a list of recommended games based on things like favorite games. Maybe even let us choose our favorite genres, and it will recommend games based on that.

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  8. Add a release calendar

    I want to see an upcoming schedule of games within the next few months so I know what's on the horizon and can follow games I'm interested in

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  9. I want to be able to track releases in other regions or platforms

    Right now KTOMG only tracks US release dates. If I'm in another region, I want to track my region's release (UK/AU/Japan). Furthermore, some platforms release at different times (e.g. The Elder Scrolls Online) so I would also like to track specific platforms.

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  10. Allow custom games and metadata

    Since not every game is not on giant bomb, could there be an option to write your own entry into the list? Perhaps add the option to put in the main game homepage into the entry too. Maybe even KToMG could periodically search your own entries and notify you if a giantbomb page has been made for one of those, and you can choose to update the info? Or perhaps expand the choices of databases to search from? Steam and steam greenlight would be good ones.

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  11. Keep Track of My Deals

    As a (casual or serious) gamer, I want to be notified when my games go on sale, so that I can buy them at a discount without constantly checking if they are on sale.

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  12. Won't Play Option

    Going through some of my own Steam library, there were many games picked up through bundles or sales that I, (being honest with myself) will never play. Either they don't look interesting, or I know they're terrible games. Can we have an option for "Won't Play", or "Regret" to differentiate them from "Undecided"?

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  13. Detailed Stats Breakdown

    I'd love to see an expansion to the stats page where we could see how many new games we added per year vs. how many games we beat per year, and in what order.

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    I’d love to add this, it would be more accurate to keep track of the history of a game within your collection which I don’t collect right now. It would also need to handle times when a game switches between statuses frequently or something too.

  14. Differentiate between demos and full games

    If I played a game's demo, it doesn't mean I own that game, but they'll come when I sync my account anyway. Also, some games release demos before the full game (i.e. Resident Evil 7), and I would like to see the release date for both. I would also like to know if the games on my wishlist have demos available, so I can try before I buy.

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  15. Less Options

    Wishlist and Want to Play could be combined into a single category.
    Beaten, Completed and Mastered could be combined into a single category.
    I feel that active, paused and abandoned could adopt a green, yellow, red light option, and not be a list on the sidebar.
    I think the New List option will take care of the needs of individual gamers.

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  16. Friends, Lists, Following, Ratings

    KTOMG is super awesome!
    The only thing missing is the ability to let your buddies add you as a 'friend'. If you add a friend, you could let then set permissions on a List to allow friends to collaborate and add games :D
    You could then see which friends have played the games in your various lists and or friends lists.
    Basically, if we can invite friends to the site, we probably want to follow each other and follow each others lists to some extent (assuming the permissions are set appropriately)

    Our use case is as follows:
    There's a group…

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  17. Display estimated value of my games / collections / lists

    I have a lot of games, and every once in while I like to trade or sell some of the titles I haven't played in a while. Often this can mean me selling off an entire console and all the games that I have for it. I would be useful if you could integrate with ebay or some other source to come up with an estimated asking price for each game so I could easily see what a fair value for my games / groups of games is.

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  18. Automatically sort by console when searching for new game

    Would be nice if you could specify which consoles you own so that When you search for a new game, it would show you games for your consoles first. This would greatly improve relevance of top search results. Bonus points for "console wish list", "own but don't play any more" and "used to own" to display after your current consoles but before other consoles.

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  19. 4 votes

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    Because status “lists” are treated specially (in the code and UI), this would be a major change. In the meantime, we have added many new statuses since this idea was submitted. We will still see if it will be possible to allow users to mark lists as “status” lists.

  20. Hide games we haven't played

    There are some free-to-play games in my list that I've never (that I recall) played (AdVenture Capitalist, Double Action: Boogaloo). I think hey shouldn't show up in my list until I play them. Team Fortress 2, on the other hand, I have played, so it should be in the list, but it isn't. :-)

    In general, I could see being able to exclude games from the list could be useful, too.

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